Livsstilsdesign,  Tips

Staying calm in Corona times

Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed by the Corona situation going on around the world? Your’e not alone ♡

I wrote a post on Instagram on how to stay calm when the world around you is panicking and I thought I would share it here too.

Take a few minutes and read my advice on how to handle this unusual situation we are finding ourselves in right now.
I’ve listed a few things that I think can be really helpful to get us through this time without panicking.
Here’s my advise.

*Stay informed but get your information from the right source.
– Stay away from newspapers that creates scary headlines just to make you click their articles. Choose wisely and read only facts.

*Take a moment every day to just breath. Be silent and focus on taking deep breaths. Let God fill you with his peace.
– If you’re a believer, take this time to draw closer to God. If not, still take care of yourself and think positive thoughts.

*Boost your immune system and create healthy habits.
– Do what you can to stay healthy. Eat lots of fruits and greens, exercise and of course – wash your hands!

*Take this time to build strong relationships within your family.
– If you find yourself to be quarantined as a family or prefer to stay at home at this time, take advantage of the time you get to spend together.
Laugh, play and hug each other a lot!

I hope this can help you to stay calm in this special time.
If you want someone to talk to, I´m here. Feel free to send med an email or message me on Instagram.

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